Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It is that time all ready?

This isn't the most appropriate posting for a public forum but I have to be honest. I am a female and for those who know, females have.....cycles that very much effect just about every darn thing in a woman's world to include ADD. I can always tell when my cycle is almost here if only for two things: I am hungry all the time and even shiny things can't keep my attention. My brain is far from a steel trap on a good day, but when that time of the month is here my brain moves from what could be compared to a wet paper bag (normally) to basically a turnstile. Ideas, things I need to remember, appointments I need to keep just pass on through. They are there wondering around somewhere up there I am sure and eventually those important things come back through only in time for me to say "oh sh*t, I forgot....!" No post it note in the world helps at this time. These times are the times I need an assistant or something with an air horn and flashing neon signs to tell me what I am missing. I don't worry about mood swings or cramps or anything like that during this time. My biggest concern is making sure I have my car keys and that I walk out of the house with my pants on.

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